Support Us

In Messiah's prayer for us in John 17, He makes it very clear that we are not supposed to be individuals or even groups who are working in isolation. We are meant to be one; in community and deeply in love with each other. This is a community of followers after Messiah that functions in the virtual world of the Internet. It runs using computer programs. But, there are very real brothers and sisters working behind the scenes to build and support the programs that create the environment for this yachad. It is our joy to do this work for Father and for our brothers and sisters in Him, but we very much need your support. We need you to pray for us. We need you to hold us accountable. And, we need you to actively contribute and help us grow this into a working community of believers that belongs first to Him and second to each of us who fellowship and grow together into echad here rather than just to those of us who have built the programs that house it.


As we have said in our description of ways that you can serve this yachad, the greatest way you can support us is by participating in this work. This is work that we believe Father has called us to do, and the only way for it to succeed is if we begin to piece together our understanding of Him and His Ways through open dialogue. As you join us in conversation, as you pray and praise with us, as you complete activites and share your outcomes, and as you share your own testimony of just how amazing He is, you will be supporting this particular piece of Kingdom work. There are other ways you can support us through participation as well.

  • Become a sponsor - We operate on a very humble budget. Sponsors offer their goods and services to the Echad Project at either a discount or at no cost to those who participate here. If you would like to sponsor this work, we would like to list you on the "our sponsors" page so that those who participate here can see how you are serving them. Please click here to let us know how you would like to sponsor this work.

  • Join the team - In both Matthew 9:37 and Luke 10:2, it is reported that as Y'shua sent forth His disciples, He told them that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. We pray that the harvest of people who want to learn how to return the Body back to state of echad will indeed be plentiful, so we are anticipating that we will need the support of many workers before this particular part of the Kingdom Work is complete. If you feel called to assist the team in programming the environment, in supporting the activities, or in helping us grow this effort in other ways that Father may not have even revealed to us yet, please click here to let us know that you would like to serve on the team, or click here to review our current team needs. We do not offer any paid positions at the Echad Project, but we do occassionally support workers for a short time from the Storehouse as they do temporary sustained work that would prevent them from earning a living by doing other work.

  • Give feedback - We need your words of encouragement. We need for you to show us where we need to correct if we have fallen short or gotten something wrong. And, we need your suggestions for how we might move this work forward. Father will be speaking to all of us, so we need for you to share with us what He reveals to you regarding this work as you participate here. Please click here to give us feedback of any kind.

If you have any questions about how you can support this work, please contact us.

Send a Gift

We are not a "paid ministry", and our expenses are few. Our Heavenly Father provides generously to support us in this work. We are not a charitable organization, and we do not maintain tax exempt status in any country. Any gifts that we receive that exceed the amount a sister or brother might give another within a given year is taxable and is reported by us to the country of residency of the person to whom the gift is given. On rare occasions, someone spends enough time during a short term period working on this project that (s)he is not able to gainfully participate in other employment during that period. When that happens, we support the person at a rate that (s)he might expect to earn if participating in her/his regular employment. We do that on a short-term contractual basis. We also pay travel expenses when a member of the team goes away from home to do work for the project if and only if it would be a financial burden to the people with whom (s)he is visiting to provide the needed travel/hospitality. Because our expenses are so few, we do not engage actively in any fund raising activities. Instead, we maintain a Storehouse of shared resources for the members of the team to draw from as needed. Expenses associated with making this site available and with activities such as those described above are paid for from that Storehouse. If you would like to make a small gift to help support this work or to encourage someone who has been particularly helpful to you, you may do so in the following ways:

  • Place a gift into our team Storehouse - You can, if you like, provide a gift into the storehouse that is maintained by the team. If you do so, your gift will either be used to offset some of the expenses mentioned above, or it will be distributed to members of our team or others in need each according to need. To gift into our team Storehouse, please click here. Please note that we do not regularly distribute to the needy on your behalf. If you would like to learn about establishing a storehouse for your local community, please go to Joseph's Storehouse.
  • Bless a team member - You can also encourage and bless an individual team member with a gift. This is our recommended way of gifting into the project. Our team members serve this yahad in many ways, and they do so completely as volunteers in almost all cases. They do not expect pay or gifts, and in fact some will not be listed because they choose to not accept gifts, but many are grateful when someone encourages them through the blessing of a small gift. If you would like to select a single team member or a set of team members to bless with a gift, please click here.

If you have any questions about how you can support this work, please contact us.

Share with others

We love it when you participate in this yahad. We hope you find this to be Kingdom Work that blesses you. If it does, we hope you will share testimony regarding this effort with others. It is our prayer that when Messiah returns, He will find at least a remnant of the Body who is indeed one in heart and soul. It is our desire to grow this remnant into a multitude, and we hope that will be your desire as well. If it is, you can support us by sharing information about us with others. There are many ways you might do that. Here are just a few ways to help you get started:

  • Invite one of us to speak at your congregation - Some of the members of our team are available to travel to you to get to know you face to face, to share with your group the importance of returning to a state of echad, and to support you in local echad building activities. If you would like to invite one or more members of our team to your home, please click here.
  • Connect with us on social media - We are on several social media sites so that you can engage with us there as well as at this site. Please share both the Echad Project web site and our social media presence with brothers and sisters who you know would be blessed to participate in this effort to return the Body back to a state of echad. You can:
  • Tell us how to let others know about this work - If you have suggestions for other ways we can get the word about the Echad Project out to other brothers and sisters in Messiah, please contact us and share your ideas.

If you have any questions about how you can support this work, please contact us.